Notice of Receipt of Complaint; Solicitation of Comments Relating to the Public Interest

Published date23 December 2021
Citation86 FR 72995
Record Number2021-27811
IssuerInternational Trade Commission
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 244 / Thursday, December 23, 2021 / Notices
Handbook for Electronic Filing Procedures:
the Tariff Act of 1930; this notice is
published pursuant to section 207.62 of
the Commission’s rules.
By order of the Commission.
Issued: December 17, 2021.
Lisa Barton,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2021–27799 Filed 12–22–21; 8:45 am]
Notice of Receipt of Complaint;
Solicitation of Comments Relating to
the Public Interest
: U.S. International Trade
: Notice.
: Notice is hereby given that
the U.S. International Trade
Commission has received a complaint
entitled Certain Adalimumab, Processes
for Manufacturing or Relating to Same,
and Products Containing Same, DN
3585; the Commission is soliciting
comments on any public interest issues
raised by the complaint or
complainant’s filing pursuant to the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and
: Lisa
R. Barton, Secretary to the Commission,
U.S. International Trade Commission,
500 E Street SW, Washington, DC
20436, telephone (202) 205–2000. The
public version of the complaint can be
accessed on the Commission’s
Electronic Document Information
System (EDIS) at
For help accessing EDIS, please email
General information concerning the
Commission may also be obtained by
accessing its internet server at United
States International Trade Commission
(USITC) at The
public record for this investigation may
be viewed on the Commission’s
Electronic Document Information
System (EDIS) at
Hearing-impaired persons are advised
that information on this matter can be
obtained by contacting the
Commission’s TDD terminal on (202)
: The
Commission has received a complaint
and a submission pursuant to § 210.8(b)
of the Commission’s Rules of Practice
and Procedure filed on behalf of AbbVie
Inc.; AbbVie Biotechnology Ltd.; and
AbbVie Operations Singapore Pte. Ltd.
on December 17, 2021. The complaint
alleges violations of section 337 of the
Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1337) in
the importation into the United States,
the sale for importation, and the sale
within the United States after
importation of certain adalimumab,
processes for manufacturing or relating
to same, and products containing same.
The complainant names as respondents:
Alvotech hf. of Iceland; Alvotech
Germany GmbH of Germany; Alvotech
Swiss AG of Switzerland; Alvotech USA
Inc. of Arlington, VA; Teva
Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. of Israel;
Teva Pharmaceuticals USA Inc. of North
Wales, PA; and Ivers-Lee AG of
Switzerland. The complainant requests
that the Commission issue a limited
exclusion order, cease and desist orders
and impose a bond upon respondents
alleged infringing articles during the 60-
day Presidential review period pursuant
to 19 U.S.C. 1337(j).
Proposed respondents, other
interested parties, and members of the
public are invited to file comments on
any public interest issues raised by the
complaint or § 210.8(b) filing.
Comments should address whether
issuance of the relief specifically
requested by the complainant in this
investigation would affect the public
health and welfare in the United States,
competitive conditions in the United
States economy, the production of like
or directly competitive articles in the
United States, or United States
In particular, the Commission is
interested in comments that:
(i) Explain how the articles
potentially subject to the requested
remedial orders are used in the United
(ii) identify any public health, safety,
or welfare concerns in the United States
relating to the requested remedial
(iii) identify like or directly
competitive articles that complainant,
its licensees, or third parties make in the
United States which could replace the
subject articles if they were to be
(iv) indicate whether complainant,
complainant’s licensees, and/or third
party suppliers have the capacity to
replace the volume of articles
potentially subject to the requested
exclusion order and/or a cease and
desist order within a commercially
reasonable time; and
(v) explain how the requested
remedial orders would impact United
States consumers.
Written submissions on the public
interest must be filed no later than by
close of business, eight calendar days
after the date of publication of this
notice in the Federal Register. There
will be further opportunities for
comment on the public interest after the
issuance of any final initial
determination in this investigation. Any
written submissions on other issues
must also be filed by no later than the
close of business, eight calendar days
after publication of this notice in the
Federal Register. Complainant may file
replies to any written submissions no
later than three calendar days after the
date on which any initial submissions
were due. No other submissions will be
accepted, unless requested by the
Commission. Any submissions and
replies filed in response to this Notice
are limited to five (5) pages in length,
inclusive of attachments.
Persons filing written submissions
must file the original document
electronically on or before the deadlines
stated above. Submissions should refer
to the docket number (‘‘Docket No.
3585’’) in a prominent place on the
cover page and/or the first page. (See
Handbook for Electronic Filing
Procedures, Electronic Filing
Please note the Secretary’s
Office will accept only electronic filings
during this time. Filings must be made
through the Commission’s Electronic
Document Information System (EDIS, No in-person
paper-based filings or paper copies of
any electronic filings will be accepted
until further notice. Persons with
questions regarding filing should
contact the Secretary at EDIS3Help@
Any person desiring to submit a
document to the Commission in
confidence must request confidential
treatment. All such requests should be
directed to the Secretary to the
Commission and must include a full
statement of the reasons why the
Commission should grant such
treatment. See 19 CFR 201.6. Documents
for which confidential treatment by the
Commission is properly sought will be
treated accordingly. All information,
including confidential business
information and documents for which
confidential treatment is properly
sought, submitted to the Commission for
purposes of this Investigation may be
disclosed to and used: (i) By the
Commission, its employees and Offices,
and contract personnel (a) for
developing or maintaining the records
of this or a related proceeding, or (b) in
internal investigations, audits, reviews,
and evaluations relating to the
programs, personnel, and operations of
the Commission including under 5
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 244 / Thursday, December 23, 2021 / Notices
All contract personnel will sign appropriate
nondisclosure agreements.
Electronic Document Information System
U.S.C. Appendix 3; or (ii) by U.S.
government employees and contract
solely for cybersecurity
purposes. All nonconfidential written
submissions will be available for public
inspection at the Office of the Secretary
and on EDIS.
This action is taken under the
authority of section 337 of the Tariff Act
of 1930, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1337),
and of §§ 201.10 and 210.8(c) of the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure (19 CFR 201.10, 210.8(c)).
By order of the Commission.
Issued: December 17, 2021.
Lisa Barton,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2021–27811 Filed 12–22–21; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms,
and Explosives
[Docket No. 2021R–01]
Commerce in Explosives; 2021 Annual
List of Explosive Materials
: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms, and Explosives (ATF),
Department of Justice.
: Notice of list of explosive
: This notice publishes the
2021 List of Explosive Materials, as
required by law. The 2021 list is the
same as the 2020 list published by ATF.
: The list becomes effective
December 23, 2021.
Marianna Mitchem, Chief; Firearms and
Explosives Industry Division; Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and
Explosives; United States Department of
Justice; 99 New York Avenue NE,
Washington, DC 20226; (202) 648–7120.
: Pursuant
to 18 U.S.C. 841(d) and 27 CFR 555.23,
the Department of Justice must publish
and revise at least annually in the
Federal Register a list of explosives
determined to be within the coverage of
18 U.S.C. 841 et seq. The list covers not
only explosives, but also blasting agents
and detonators, all of which are defined
as ‘‘explosive materials’’ in 18 U.S.C.
Each material listed, as well as all
mixtures containing any of these
materials, constitute ‘‘explosive
materials’’ under 18 U.S.C. 841(c).
Materials constituting blasting agents
are marked by an asterisk. Explosive
materials are listed alphabetically, and,
where applicable, followed by their
common names, chemical names, and/
or synonyms in brackets. This list
supersedes the List of Explosive
Materials published in the Federal
Register on December 23, 2020 (Docket
No. 2020R–01, 85 FR 83999).
The 2021 List of Explosive Materials
is a comprehensive list, but is not all-
inclusive. The definition of ‘‘explosive
materials’’ includes ‘‘[e]xplosives,
blasting agents, water gels and
detonators. Explosive materials,
include, but are not limited to, all items
in the ‘List of Explosive Materials’
provided for in § 555.23.’’ 27 CFR
555.11. Accordingly, the fact that an
explosive material is not on the annual
list does not mean that it is not within
coverage of the law if it otherwise meets
the statutory definition of ‘‘explosives’’
in 18 U.S.C. 841. Subject to limited
exceptions in 18 U.S.C. 845 and 27 CFR
555.141, only Federal explosives
licensees and permittees may possess
and use explosive materials, including
those on the annual list.
Notice of the 2021 Annual List of
Explosive Materials
Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 841(d) and 27
CFR 555.23, I hereby designate the
following as ‘‘explosive materials’’
covered under 18 U.S.C. 841(c):
Acetylides of heavy metals.
Aluminum containing polymeric
Aluminum ophorite explosive.
Ammonium nitrate explosive mixtures
(cap sensitive).
* Ammonium nitrate explosive mixtures
(non-cap sensitive).
Ammonium perchlorate having particle
size less than 15 microns.
Ammonium perchlorate explosive
mixtures (excluding ammonium perchlorate
composite propellant (APCP)).
Ammonium picrate [picrate of ammonia,
Explosive D].
Ammonium salt lattice with
isomorphously substituted inorganic salts.
* ANFO [ammonium nitrate-fuel oil].
Aromatic nitro-compound explosive
Azide explosives.
BEAF [1, 2-bis (2, 2-difluoro-2-
Black powder.
Black powder based explosive mixtures.
Black powder substitutes.
* Blasting agents, nitro-carbo-nitrates,
including non-cap sensitive slurry and water
gel explosives.
Blasting caps.
Blasting gelatin.
Blasting powder.
BTNEC [bis (trinitroethyl) carbonate].
BTNEN [bis (trinitroethyl) nitramine].
BTTN [1,2,4 butanetriol trinitrate].
Bulk salutes.
Butyl tetryl.
Calcium nitrate explosive mixture.
Cellulose hexanitrate explosive mixture.
Chlorate explosive mixtures.
Composition A and variations.
Composition B and variations.
Composition C and variations.
Copper acetylide.
Cyanuric triazide.
Cyclonite [RDX].
Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine [HMX].
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine [RDX].
DATB [diaminotrinitrobenzene].
DDNP [diazodinitrophenol].
DEGDN [diethyleneglycol dinitrate].
Detonating cord.
Dimethylol dimethyl methane dinitrate
Dinitroglycerine [glycerol dinitrate].
Dinitrophenyl hydrazine.
Dinitrotoluene-sodium nitrate explosive
DIPAM [dipicramide;
Dipicryl sulfide [hexanitrodiphenyl
Dipicryl sulfone.
Display fireworks.
DNPA [2,2-dinitropropyl acrylate].
DNPD [dinitropentano nitrile].
EDDN [ethylene diamine dinitrate].
EDNA [ethylenedinitramine].
EDNP [ethyl 4,4-dinitropentanoate].
EGDN [ethylene glycol dinitrate].
Erythritol tetranitrate explosives.
Esters of nitro-substituted alcohols.
Explosive conitrates.
Explosive gelatins.
Explosive liquids.
Explosive mixtures containing oxygen-
releasing inorganic salts and hydrocarbons.
Explosive mixtures containing oxygen-
releasing inorganic salts and nitro bodies.
Explosive mixtures containing oxygen-
releasing inorganic salts and water insoluble
Explosive mixtures containing oxygen-
releasing inorganic salts and water soluble
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