Procedures for Disclosure of Information Under the Freedom of Information Act

Published date11 April 2024
Record Number2024-06800
Citation89 FR 25519
CourtPeace Corps
SectionRules and Regulations
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 71 / Thursday, April 11, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
ensure that the process moves swiftly,
and this extension of the temporary
scheduling order for these three
substances continues to serve that
purpose. For the same reasons that
underlie 21 U.S.C. 811(h), that is, the
need to keep these three substances in
schedule I because they pose an
imminent hazard to public safety, it
would be contrary to the public interest
to delay implementation of this
extension of the temporary scheduling
order. Therefore, in accordance with
section 808(2) of the CRA, this order
extending the temporary scheduling
order for butonitazene, flunitazene, and
metodesnitazene, shall take effect
immediately upon its publication.
DEA will submit a copy of this
temporary order to both Houses of
Congress and to the Comptroller
General, although such filing is not
required under the Small Business
Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of
1996 (Congressional Review Act), 5
U.S.C. 801–808 because, as noted above,
this action is an order, not a rule.
Signing Authority
This document of the Drug
Enforcement Administration was signed
on April 5, 2024, by Administrator
Anne Milgram. That document with the
original signature and date is
maintained by DEA. For administrative
purposes only, and in compliance with
requirements of the Office of the Federal
Register, the undersigned DEA Federal
Register Liaison Officer has been
authorized to sign and submit the
document in electronic format for
publication, as an official document of
DEA. This administrative process in no
way alters the legal effect of this
document upon publication in the
Federal Register.
Scott Brinks,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, Drug
Enforcement Administration.
[FR Doc. 2024–07689 Filed 4–10–24; 8:45 am]
22 CFR Part 303
RIN 0420–AA31
Procedures for Disclosure of
Information Under the Freedom of
Information Act
: The Peace Corps.
: Final rule.
: This final rule amends the
regulations that the Peace Corps follows
in processing requests under the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to
comply with the FOIA Improvement Act
of 2016. These amendments clarify and
update procedures for requesting
information from the Peace Corps and
procedures that the Peace Corps follows
in responding to requests from the
public for information.
: This rule is effective May 13,
David van Hoogstraten, 202–692–2150,
: On June
30, 2016, President Obama signed into
law the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016,
Public Law 114–185, 130 Stat. 538 (the
Act). The Act specifically requires all
agencies to review and update their
FOIA regulations in accordance with its
provisions, and the Peace Corps is
making changes to its regulations
accordingly. Among other requirements,
the Act addresses a range of procedural
issues that affect Peace Corps FOIA
regulations, including requirements that
agencies establish a minimum of 90
days for requesters to file an
administrative appeal and that agencies
provide notice to requesters of dispute
resolution services at various times
throughout the FOIA process. The final
rule revises and updates policies and
procedures concerning the Peace Corps
FOIA process, which was last published
as a final rule in the Federal Register
(FR) on April 10, 2014 (79 FR 19816),
entered into effect on May 12, 2014, and
currently appears at 22 CFR part 303.
The final rule makes adjustments for
clarification, rearranges and
redesignates sections in a more logical
order, streamlines the language of some
procedural provisions, and makes the
following key amendments:
22 CFR Part 303
Section 303.2 is expanded to revise
current definitions and add definitions
for the following terms: ‘‘Compelling
need,’’ ‘‘Confidential commercial
information,’’ ‘‘Direct costs,’’ ‘‘Unusual
circumstances,’’ and ‘‘Initial denial
authority (IDA).’’
Section 303.5 is revised to delete
reference to a physical public reading
room and to provide for a public
electronic FOIA Library on the Peace
Corps website on which certain
specified records will be made
available. Also, related to this change,
the former § 303.6 (Procedures for use of
public reading room.) is deleted.
The former § 303.8, has been
redesignated as § 303.7 and is updated
to provide revised procedures for the
following paragraphs:
(b) through (d) Submitting a FOIA
(f) Requesting a waiver or reduction
of fees;
(h) Initial response/delays to FOIA
(j) Giving notice of delays; and
(l) Requesting expedited processing
and appeals from denials of requests for
expedited processing.
A new § 303.8 sets forth guidelines
and procedures for:
Order of response to FOIA requests;
Multitrack processing;
Delays in responses due to unusual
circumstances and notice of such delays
and of the availability of both the FOIA
Public Liaison and the dispute
resolution services provided for by the
Office of Government Information
Services (OGIS);
Aggregating requests; and
Expedited processing.
A revised § 303.9 provides that the
deliberative process privilege shall not
apply to records created 25 years or
more before the date on which the
records were requested.
A new § 303.11 sets forth guidelines
and procedures for:
Electronic communication with
Acknowledgement of requests that
will take longer than 10 working days to
Estimated dates of completion and
interim responses;
The granting of requests;
Adverse determination of requests;
Markings on released documents;
Use of records exclusions.
A renumbered § 303.13, formerly
§ 303.12, is updated to set forth revised
guidelines and procedures for:
Submitting appeals;
Adjudication of appeals;
Decisions on appeals;
Engaging in dispute resolution
services offered by OGIS; and
When an appeal is required.
A new § 303.14 sets forth guidelines
and procedures for:
Designation of confidential
commercial information;
When notice to submitters is
Exceptions to submitter notice
Opportunity to object to disclosure;
Analysis of objections;
Notice of intent to disclose;
Notice of FOIA lawsuit; and
Requester notification.
A new § 303.15 sets forth guidelines
and procedures for preserving records
pertaining to the requests it receives
under this subpart.
A revised § 303.16, formerly §303.13,
incorporates the new statutory
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restrictions on charging fees in certain
circumstances, reflects developments in
the case law, and streamlines the
description of the factors to be
considered when making fee waiver
determinations. In this regard,
§ 303.16(a) is revised to conform to
recent appellate court decisions
addressing two FOIA fee categories:
‘‘representative of the news media’’ and
‘‘educational institution.’’ Section
303.16(e)(2), which addresses
restrictions on charging fees when the
FOIA’s time limits are not met, is
revised to reflect changes made to those
restrictions by the FOIA Improvement
Act of 2016. Specifically, these changes
reflect that the Peace Corps may not
charge search fees or duplication fees
for representatives of the news media
and educational/non-commercial
scientific institution requesters when
the Peace Corps fails to comply with the
FOIA’s time limits. The restriction on
charging fees is excused and the Peace
Corps may charge fees as usual when it
satisfies one of three exceptions detailed
at 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(A)(viii)(II) and
incorporated into this section at
§ 303.16(e)(2)(ii) through (iv). Lastly,
§ 303.16(l), which addresses the
requirements for a waiver or reduction
of fees, is revised to specify that
requesters may seek a waiver of fees and
to streamline and simplify the
description of the factors to be
considered by the Peace Corps when
making fee waiver determinations.
A redesignated § 303.17, formerly
§ 303.14, is updated to revise the
definition of ‘‘employee’’ in this section
to include volunteers and trainees of the
Peace Corps for purposes only of
§ 303.17.
A new § 303.18 sets forth that nothing
in this part shall be construed to entitle
any person, as of right, to any service or
to the disclosure of any record to which
such person is not entitled under the
Request for Comments
On November 28, 2023, the Peace
Corps published a proposed rule with
request for comments in the Federal
Register at 88 FR 83044 proposing to
modify the existing regulations for its
procedures for disclosure of information
under the FOIA. Based on feedback
received and the Peace Corps’ own
analysis, the Peace Corps proposed
several changes aimed, primarily, at
clarifying language in the final rule.
Summary of Comments
During the 30-day comment period
between November 28 and December
28, 2023, the Peace Corps received nine
comments from three members of the
public and one 501(c)(3) nonpartisan
organization. At the end of the public
comment period, the Peace Corps
reviewed and analyzed the comments.
The comments are detailed in the next
section, together with a discussion of
the suggestions for revision that were
considered and either adopted, or
declined, and the rationale, therefore.
The Peace Corps did not address an
issue raised by a commenter, because it
considered the subject matter to be
outside the scope of this rulemaking.
The commenter posed a question about
access to the health records of
employees, which is a matter governed
by the Privacy Act.
General Comments
The Peace Corps received several
comments that expressed general
support for the proposed regulatory
changes. For example, one member of
the public commended the Peace Corps
for its proposed rule, stating that it
‘‘reflects a thoughtful approach to
enhancing transparency and ensuring
timely responses to FOIA requests.’’
However, commenters also raised
concerns regarding the digitization of
records and their efficient retrieval by
the agency; the use of ‘‘professional’’ in
303.8(d)(3) when describing individuals
who may qualify for expedited
processing; the omission of a
‘‘presumption of openness;’’ the
definition of certain terms; and the
agency’s reference to the ‘‘Guidelines’’
of the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) regarding fees.
Responses to Requests for Comments
1. Digitation of Records and Their
Efficient Retrieval by the Agency
One commenter expressed, in regard
to fees and information searches, that
electronic systems should be established
to minimize the time used to locate
responsive documents. The Peace Corps
agrees and is currently working to
acquire an electronic discovery
(eDiscovery) solution that, among other
things, will improve the agency’s ability
to carry out its procedures for disclosure
of information under the FOIA.
2. The Suggested Removal of
‘‘Professional’’ in § 303.8(d)(3)
One commentor noted the
introduction of the term ‘‘professional’’
in § 303.8(d)(3) when describing
individuals who may qualify for
expedited processing and that it does
not align with the statutory language of
the FOIA, because it ‘‘unnecessarily
narrows the scope of eligible requesters
and could potentially exclude
individuals who, while not
professionals, play a significant role in
informing the public about government
activities.’’ The Peace Corps has
adopted the suggestion of the
commenter to remove ‘‘professional’’
from § 303.8(d)(3).
3. The Omission of the ‘‘Presumption of
One commentor expressed concern
regarding the Peace Corps’ omission of
the ‘‘presumption of openness,’’ stating
that the absence of this ‘‘critical element
in the proposed rule,’’ which is
emphasized in the FOIA Improvement
Act of 2016, ‘‘is a notable omission that
could undermine the spirt of
transparency and openness that FOIA
embodies.’’ The Peace Corps agrees to
explicitly state that the agency will
administer the FOIA with a
presumption of openness in the policy
section, § 303.3 of this final rule.
4. Expanding the Definition of an
‘‘Educational Institution’’
One commentor indicated that the
Peace Corp’s definition of ‘‘educational
institution’’ is too limited, as it does not
account for the members of such
institutions (e.g., teachers and students)
that submit FOIA requests. The
commentor recommended the following
definition, which the Peace Corps has
adopted in this final rule, which
clarifies the meaning of ‘‘educational
institution’’ with regard to its
implementation of the FOIA:
Educational institution means any school
or undergraduate, graduate, professional, or
vocational institute that operates a program
or programs of scholarly research, or any
member of the same (including faculty or
students) who seeks records in pursuit of
their role at the educational institution.
5. Clarifying the Definition of a
‘‘Representative of the News Media’’
One commentor raised three separate
concerns with the Peace Corps’
definition of a ‘‘representative of the
news media.’’ First, was the inclusion of
a definition of ‘‘news,’’ which the
commentor felt would emphasize the
request rather than focus on the
requester, which would not be in
alignment with the FOIA. Although the
Peace Corps’ language comes directly
from the statute, the agency did remove
the following sentence to address the
concern raised: ‘‘The term ‘‘news’’
means information that is about current
events or that would be of current
interest to the public.’’ The agency
determined that limiting ‘‘news’’ to
‘‘current events’’ and ‘‘current interest
to the public’’ was not sufficiently broad
and expressly focused on the content of
such related FOIA requests rather than
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on the identity of the requesters as
‘‘representatives of the news media.’’
Second, the commentor encouraged
the Peace Corps, with respect to its
requirement that a ‘‘representative of the
news media’’ use ‘‘editorial skills to
turn the raw materials [records] into a
distinct work,’’ to adopt a broader
standard. For example, the commentor
indicated that a press release
commenting on records should meet
this requirement. The Peace Corps has
determined that it is important to retain
this language in the final rule, which
comes directly from the statute, in light
of how information sharing has evolved
in recent years.
The commentor’s third point is that
the definition of a ‘‘representative of the
news media’’ should include
‘‘alternative media’’ and ‘‘evolving
news-media formats.’’ To clarify the
breadth of news media entities intended
to be included in the definition, the
Peace Corps has explicitly made its list
of news media entities non-exhaustive.
6. Aligning Definition of a ‘‘Record’’
With the FOIA
One commentor stated that the Peace
Corps’ definition of a ‘‘record’’ is
‘‘unnecessary,’’ as the FOIA already
defines that term, and the Peace Corps’
definition is ‘‘severely underinclusive.’’
The commentor suggested either
removing the definition from the final
rule or replacing it with a new proposed
definition that better conforms with the
language in the FOIA. The Peace Corps
agrees with the commentor that its
definition of ‘‘record’’ in this final rule
should be broader and has therefore,
adopted the definition of ‘‘record’’ as set
forth in the Federal Records Act of 1950,
as amended, and in any other applicable
Federal statute (e.g., the Privacy Act of
1974, as amended).
7. Definition of ‘‘OIG Records’’
One commentor found the Peace
Corps’ definition of ‘‘OIG records,’’ to be
‘‘unnecessary.’’ The commentor
recommended either removing the
definition from the language in the final
rule or striking the following two
phrases from the current definition: ‘‘in
the possession’’ and ‘‘compiled for law
enforcement, audit, and investigative
functions and/or any other purpose
authorized under the IG Act of 1978, as
amended.’’ The Peace Corps notes that
the definition of the term ‘‘OIG records’’
was in the Peace Corps’ FOIA regulation
at 22 CFR part 303, which became
effective in December 2003, and the
recent proposed rule did not alter the
definition of ‘‘OIG records.’’ Therefore,
the agency has retained its longstanding
definition of ‘‘OIG records’’ in this final
8. Suggested Removal of Reference to
the OMB Guidelines Regarding Fees
One commentor recommended the
Peace Corps remove its reference in
§ 303.16(a) of its final rule to the White
House Office of Management and
Budget’s Uniform Freedom of
Information Fee Schedule and
Guidelines (‘‘OMB Guidelines’’). The
commentor noted that, ‘‘although the
FOIA requires an agency to promulgate
a schedule of fees that ‘‘conforms’’ to
the OMB Guidelines, those guidelines
are not authoritative because they are
not regularly updated and have
historically conflicted with both the
FOIA’s statutory text and prevailing
judicial interpretations.’’ The agency
has not adopted this recommendation
and has retained the reference to the
OMB Guidelines in § 303.16(a) of this
final rule. The Peace Corps has the
discretion to waive fees or not charge
fees on a case-by-case basis. Each time
Congress amended the FOIA, OMB has
revised its Guidelines to conform with
the current FOIA statute. The current
OMB Guidelines were revised in 2020
after the enactment of the FOIA
Improvement Act of 2016.
Regulatory Certifications
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563—
Regulatory Review
This regulation has been drafted and
reviewed in accordance with Executive
Order 12866, ‘‘Regulatory Planning and
Review,’’ section 1(b), Principles of
Regulation, and in accordance with
Executive Oder 13563, ‘‘Improving
Regulation and Regulatory Review,’’
section 1(b), General Principles of
Regulation, and the Peace Corps has
determined it to be non-significant
within the meaning of Executive Order
12866. Additionally, because this
proposed rule does not meet the
definition of a significant regulatory
action it does not trigger the
requirements contained in Executive
Order 13771. See OMB’s Memorandum
titled ‘‘Interim Guidance Implementing
section 2 of the Executive order of
January 30, 2017, titled ‘Reducing
Regulation and Controlling Regulatory
Costs’ ’’ (February 2, 2017),
supplemented by OMB’s Memorandum
titled ‘‘Implementing Executive Order
13771, Titled ‘Reducing Regulation and
Controlling Regulatory Costs.’ ’’
Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (5
U.S.C. 605(b))
This regulatory action will not have a
significant adverse impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
Unfunded Mandates Act of 1995 (Sec.
202, Pub. L. 104–4)
This regulatory action does not
contain a Federal mandate that will
result in the expenditure by state, local,
and tribal governments, in aggregate, or
by the private sector, of $100,000,000 or
more in any one year, and it will not
significantly or uniquely affect small
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C., Chapter 35)
This regulatory action will not impose
any additional reporting or
recordkeeping requirements under the
Paperwork Reduction Act.
Federalism (Executive Order 13132)
This regulatory action does not have
federalism implications, as set forth in
Executive Order 13132. It will not have
substantial direct effects on the States,
on the relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
List of Subjects in 22 CFR Part 303
Freedom of Information Act.
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, the Peace Corps amends 22
CFR part 303 as follows:
1. Revise the authority citation for part
303 to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301, 552, 552a, 553;
22 U.S.C. 2501 et seq.; 31 U.S.C. 3717.
2. Revise § 303.2 to read as follows:
§ 303.2 Definitions.
Commercial use request means a
request from or on behalf of one who
seeks information for a use or purpose
that furthers the commercial, trade, or
profit interests of the requester or the
person on whose behalf the request is
made. In determining whether a
requester has made a commercial use
request, the Peace Corps will look to the
use to which a requester will put the
documents requested. When the Peace
Corps has reasonable cause to doubt the
requester’s stated use of the records
sought, or where the use is not clear
from the request itself, it will seek
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additional clarification before assigning
the request to a category.
Compelling need means:
(1) Circumstances in which the lack of
expedited treatment could reasonably be
expected to pose an imminent threat to
the life or physical safety of an
(2) An urgency to inform the public
about an actual or alleged Peace Corps
or Federal Government activity and the
request is made by a person primarily
engaged in disseminating information;
(3) A matter of widespread and
exceptional media interest in which
there exist possible questions about the
Peace Corps’ or the Federal
Government’s integrity which affect
public confidence.
Confidential commercial information
means commercial or financial
information obtained by the Peace Corps
from a submitter that may be protected
from disclosure under Exemption 4 of
the FOIA, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4).
Direct costs are those expenses that
the Peace Corps incurs in searching for
and duplicating (and, in the case of
commercial use requests, reviewing)
records in order to respond to a FOIA
request. For example, direct costs
include the salary of the employee
performing the work (i.e., the basic rate
of pay for the employee, plus 16 percent
of that rate to cover benefits) and the
cost of operating computers and other
electronic equipment, such as
photocopiers and scanners. Direct costs
do not include overhead expenses, such
as the costs of space, and of heating or
lighting a facility.
Duplication means the process of
making a copy of a record requested
pursuant to this part. Such copies can
take the form of paper copy, microform,
audio-visual materials, or machine
readable electronic documents, among
Educational institution means any
school or undergraduate, graduate,
professional, or vocational institute that
operates a program or programs of
scholarly research, or any member of the
same (including faculty or students)
who seeks records in pursuit of their
role at the educational institution.
Expedited processing means the
process set forth in the FOIA that allows
requesters to ask for expedited
processing of their FOIA request if they
can demonstrate a compelling need.
Fee waiver means the waiver or
reduction of processing fees if a
requester can demonstrate that certain
statutory standards are satisfied
including that the information is in the
public interest and is not requested for
a commercial interest.
FOIA Public Liaison means an agency
official who is responsible for assisting
in reducing delays, increasing
transparency and understanding of the
status of requests, and assisting in the
resolution of disputes.
Non-commercial scientific institution
means an institution that is not operated
on a ‘‘commercial’’ basis and which is
operated solely for the purpose of
conducting scientific research, the
results of which are not intended to
promote any particular product or
OIG records mean those records as
defined generally in this section which
originated with or are in the possession
and control of the Office of Inspector
General (OIG) of the Peace Corps which
have been compiled for law
enforcement, audit, and investigative
functions and/or any other purpose
authorized under the IG Act of 1978, as
Records as set forth in the Federal
Records Act of 1950, as amended, at 44
U.S.C. 3301, and in any other applicable
federal statute (e.g., the Privacy Act of
1974, as amended).
Representative of the news media is
any person or entity that actively
gathers information of potential interest
to a segment of the public, uses its
editorial skills to turn the raw materials
into a distinct work, and distributes that
work to an audience. Examples of news
media entities include, but are not
limited to, television or radio stations
that broadcast news to the public at
large and publishers of periodicals that
disseminate news and make their
products available through a variety of
means to the general public, including
news organizations that disseminate
solely on the internet. A request for
records supporting the news-
dissemination function of the requester
shall not be considered to be for
commercial use. ‘‘Freelance’’ journalists
who demonstrate a solid basis for
expecting publication through a news
media entity shall be considered as a
representative of the news media. A
publishing contract would provide the
clearest evidence that publication is
expected; however, components shall
also consider a requester’s past
publication record in making this
Requester category means one of the
three categories that agencies place
requesters in for the purpose of
determining whether a requester will be
charged fees for search, review and
duplication, including commercial
requesters, non-commercial scientific or
educational institutions or news media
requesters, and all other requesters.
Review means the process of
examining a document located in
response to a request to determine
whether any portion of such document
is exempt from disclosure. It also
includes processing any such document
for disclosure. Review does not include
time spent resolving general legal or
policy issues regarding the application
of exemptions.
Search means the process of looking
for and retrieving records that are
responsive to a request for records. It
includes page-by-page or line-by-line
identification of material within
documents and also includes reasonable
efforts to locate and retrieve information
from records maintained in electronic
form or format. Searches may be
conducted manually or by automated
means and will be conducted in the
most efficient and least expensive
manner. If the agency cannot identify
the requested records after a 2 hour
search, it can determine that the records
were not adequately described and ask
the requester to provide a more specific
Submitter means any person or entity,
including a corporation, state, or foreign
government, but not including another
Federal Government entity, that
provides confidential commercial
information, either directly or indirectly
to the Federal Government.
Unusual circumstances, as used in
this part, mean circumstances attending
a request for information and are limited
to the following, but only to the extent
reasonably necessary for the proper
processing of the particular request:
(1) The need to search for and collect
the requested records from offices or
locations that are separate from the
office processing the request;
(2) The need to search for, collect, and
appropriately examine a voluminous
amount of separate and distinct records
which are demanded in a single request;
(3) The need for consultation, which
shall be conducted with all practicable
speed, with another agency or
organization having a substantial
interest in the determination of the
request or among two or more offices of
the Peace Corps having a substantial
subject matter interest therein.
Initial denial authority (IDA) is an
official who has been granted authority
as the FOIA Officer who may deny
FOIA requests of the Peace Corps based
on one or more of the nine categories of
exemptions from mandatory disclosure.
An IDA also: denies a fee category claim
by a requester; denies a request for
expedited processing due to
demonstrated compelling need; denies a
request for a waiver or reduction of fees;
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reviews a fee estimate; and confirms
that no records were located in response
to a request.
3. Revise § 303.3 to read as follows:
§ 303.3 Policy.
(a) The Peace Corps will administer
the FOIA with a presumption of
openness. The Peace Corps will make its
records concerning its operations,
activities, and business available to the
public, consistent with the requirements
of the FOIA. The agency will also
consider whether partial disclosure of
information is possible whenever it
determines that a full disclosure of a
requested record is not possible. This
includes taking reasonable steps to
segregate and release nonexempt
(b) Records that the FOIA requires
agencies to make available for public
inspection in an electronic format may
be accessed through the Peace Corps’
website. The Peace Corps FOIA Office is
responsible for determining which of its
records must be made publicly available
(including frequently requested
records), identifying additional records
of interest to the public that are
appropriate for public disclosure, and
for posting and indexing such records.
The Peace Corps will ensure that its
website of posted records and indices is
reviewed and updated on an ongoing
basis. The Peace Corps has a FOIA
Public Liaison who can assist
individuals in locating records.
(c) In accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552(a)(8), the Peace Corps may make
discretionary disclosures of records or
information, without a formal FOIA
request and that may be exempt from
disclosure under the FOIA whenever
disclosure would not foreseeably harm
an interest protected by a FOIA
exemption and disclosure is not
prohibited by law. However, this policy
does not create any enforceable right in
a court of law or any other tribunal.
(d) Requests for records of the Office
of Inspector General (OIG records), as
defined in § 303.2, and appeals from
denials of requests for OIG records are
subject to this policy and will be
granted or denied consistent with
§ 303.10(b) through (c) through their
own FOIA adjudication process.
4. Revise § 303.5 to read as follows:
§ 303.5 FOIA Library.
(a) The public reading room is no
longer physically available. The Peace
Corps makes information available to
the public electronically through the
Peace Corps’ FOIA Library on its public
website at
(b) Subject to the limitation stated in
paragraph (c) of this section, the
following records will be made available
in the FOIA Library:
(1) All final public opinions,
including concurring and dissenting
opinions, and orders issued in the
adjudication of cases that involve the
Peace Corps;
(2) Statements of policy and
interpretations adopted by the Peace
Corps that are not published in the
Federal Register;
(3) Administrative staff manuals and
instructions to the staff that affect the
(4) Copies of frequently requested
records, regardless of form or format,
with a general index of such records:
(i) Released to any person in response
to a public request for records which the
Peace Corps determines are likely to
become subject to subsequent requests
for substantially the same records or
(ii) For which there have been 3 or
more requests;
(5) The index required by § 303.6; and
(6) Other records the Peace Corps has
determined are of general interest to
members of the public in understanding
activities of the Peace Corps or in
dealing with the Peace Corps in
connection with those activities.
(c) Records required by the FOIA to be
available in the FOIA Library may be
exempt from mandatory disclosure
pursuant to section 552(b) of the FOIA.
Such records will not be made available
in the FOIA Library. Other records
maintained in the FOIA Library may be
edited by the redaction of information
protected under section 552(b) of the
FOIA. The extent of the redaction shall
be indicated, unless doing so would
harm an interest protected by the
exemption under which the redaction is
made. If technically feasible, the extent
of the redaction shall be indicated at the
place in the record where the redaction
was made.
(d) Records required by the FOIA to
be maintained shall be made available
in the Peace Corps’ electronic FOIA
(e) Most public electronic records will
also be made available to the public on
the Peace Corps website at https://
§ 303.6 [Removed]
5. Remove § 303.6.
§§ 303.7 and 303.8 [Redesignated as
§§ 303.6 and 303.7]
6. Redesignate §§ 303.7 and 303.8 as
§§ 303.6 and 303.7, respectively.
7. Revise newly redesignated § 303.7
to read as follows:
§ 303.7 Requests for records.
(a) Except for records required by the
FOIA to be published in the Federal
Register or to be made available in the
FOIA Library, Peace Corps records will
be made promptly available, upon
request, to any person in accordance
with this section, unless it is
determined that such records should be
withheld and are exempt from
mandatory disclosure under the FOIA.
(b) Requests for records under this
section shall be:
(1) Made in writing, shall include the
name of the requester, and the envelope,
email, and/or the letter shall be clearly
marked ‘‘Freedom of Information
Request.’’ All such requests shall be
addressed to the FOIA Officer. Requests
by letter shall be directed to Peace Corps
FOIA Officer, 1275 First Street NE,
Washington DC 20526. Requests by
email shall be directed to FOIA@ Any request not marked
and addressed as specified in this
paragraph will be so marked by Peace
Corps personnel as soon as it is properly
identified and will be forwarded
immediately to the FOIA Officer. A
request improperly addressed will not
be deemed to have been received for
purposes of the time period set out in
paragraph (h) of this section until it has
been received by the FOIA Officer.
Upon receipt of an improperly
addressed request, the FOIA Officer
shall notify the requester of the date on
which the time period began. All paper
requests shall be stamped ‘‘received’’ on
the date it is received by the FOIA
Officer. Electronic requests are deemed
to be ‘‘received’’ on the date in which
the FOIA Officer acknowledges receipt.
(2) A request must reasonably
describe the records requested so that
employees of the Peace Corps who are
familiar with the subject area of the
request are able, with a reasonable
amount of effort, to determine which
particular records are within the scope
of the request. If it is determined that a
request does not reasonably describe the
records sought, the requester shall be so
informed and provided an opportunity
to confer with Peace Corps personnel in
order to attempt to reformulate the
request in a manner that will meet the
needs of the requester and the
requirements of this paragraph (b).
(c) The Peace Corps requires that first-
party requesters provide the following
information so that the Peace Corps can
protect the personal information found
in its files and ensure that records are
disclosed only to the proper persons:
the requester’s full name, current
address, citizenship or legal permanent
resident alien status, date and place of
birth (city, state, and country), and a
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copy of a photo ID. A first-party request
must be signed, and the requester’s
signature must be either notarized or
made under penalty of perjury pursuant
to 28 U.S.C. 1746 as a substitute for
notarization. A requester may request
this penalty of perjury statement from
the FOIA office to complete for
(d) To facilitate the location of records
by the Peace Corps, a requester should
try to provide the following kinds of
information, if known:
(1) The specific event or action to
which the record refers;
(2) The unit or program of the Peace
Corps which may be responsible for or
may have produced the record;
(3) The date of the record or the date
or period to which it refers or relates;
(4) The type of record, such as an
application, a particular form, a
contract, or a report;
(5) Personnel of the Peace Corps who
may have prepared or have knowledge
of the record; or
(6) Citations to newspapers or
publications which have referred to the
(e) The Peace Corps is not required to
create a record or to perform research to
satisfy a request.
(f) Any request for a waiver or
reduction of fees should be included in
the FOIA request, and any such request
should indicate the grounds for a waiver
or reduction of fees, as set out in
§ 303.16(k).
(g) The Peace Corps will provide
records in the form or format indicated
by the requester to the extent such
records are readily reproducible in the
requested form or format.
(h)(1) The FOIA Officer or OIG FOIA
Officer, upon request for any records
made in accordance with this section,
shall make an initial determination of
whether to comply with or deny such
request and dispatch such
determination to the requester within 20
business days after receipt of such
request, except for unusual
circumstances, as defined in § 303.2, in
which case the time limit may be
extended for up to 10 business days by
written notice to the requester setting
forth the reasons for such extension and
the date on which a determination is
expected to be dispatched.
(2) If the FOIA Officer determines that
a request or portion thereof is for OIG
records, the FOIA Officer shall promptly
refer the request or portion thereof to
the OIG FOIA Officer and send notice of
such action to the requester. In such
case, the OIG FOIA Officer shall make
an initial determination of whether to
comply with or deny such request and
dispatch such determination to the
requester within 20 business days after
receipt of such request, except for
unusual circumstances, in which case
the time limit may be extended for up
to 10 business days by written notice to
the requester setting forth the reasons
for such extension and the date on
which a determination is expected to be
(i) If a request is particularly broad or
complex so that it cannot be completed
within the time periods stated in
paragraph (h) of this section, the Peace
Corps may ask the requester to narrow
the request or agree to an additional
(j) When no determination can be
dispatched within the applicable time
limit, the FOIA Officer or the OIG FOIA
Officer shall inform the requester of the
reason for the delay, the date on which
a determination may be expected to be
dispatched, and the requester’s right to
treat the delay as a denial and to appeal
to the Associate Director for the Office
of Management or the Inspector General,
in accordance with § 303.13. If no
determination has been dispatched by
the end of the 20-day period, or the last
extension thereof, the requester may
deem the request denied, and exercise a
right of appeal in accordance with
§ 303.13. The FOIA Officer or the OIG
FOIA Officer may ask the requester to
forego an appeal until a determination
is made.
(k) After it has been determined that
a request will be granted, the
responsible official will act with due
diligence in providing a prompt
(l)(1) Requests and appeals will be
taken out of order and given expedited
treatment whenever the requester
demonstrates a compelling need as
defined in § 303.2.
(2) A request for expedited processing
may be made at the time of the initial
request for records or at any later time.
For a prompt determination, a request
for expedited processing must be
properly addressed and marked and
received by the Peace Corps pursuant to
§ 303.7(b).
(3) A requester who seeks expedited
processing must submit a statement
demonstrating a compelling need, as
defined in § 303.2, that is certified by
the requester to be true and correct to
the best of that person’s knowledge and
belief, explaining in detail the basis for
requesting expedited processing.
(4) Within 10 business days of its
receipt of a request for expedited
processing, the FOIA Officer or the OIG
FOIA Officer shall decide whether to
grant the request and shall notify the
requester of the decision. If a request for
expedited treatment is granted, the
request shall be given priority and shall
be processed as soon as practicable. If a
request for expedited processing is
denied, any appeal of that decision shall
be acted on expeditiously.
(5) Appeals regarding expedited
processing denials shall be made to the
Associate Director for the Office of
Management, or in the case of a denial
by the OIG FOIA Officer of a request for
expedited processing, the Inspector
General, who shall respond within 10
business days of receipt of the appeal.
8. Add § 303.8 to read as follows:
§ 303.8 Timing of responses to requests.
(a) In general. The Peace Corps
ordinarily will respond to requests
according to their order of receipt. The
response time will commence on the
date that the request is received by the
Peace Corps’ FOIA Officer or by the OIG
FOIA Officer.
(b) Multitrack processing. The Peace
Corps designates a specific track for
requests that are granted expedited
processing in accordance with the
standards set forth in paragraph (e) of
this section. The Peace Corps may also
designate additional processing tracks
that distinguish between simple and
more complex requests based on the
estimated amount of work or time
needed to process the request. Among
the factors the Peace Corps may
consider are the number of records
requested, the number of pages involved
in processing the request and the need
for consultations or referrals. The Peace
Corps will advise requesters of the track
into which their request falls and, when
appropriate, should offer the requesters
an opportunity to narrow or modify
their request so that it can be placed in
a different processing track.
(c) Unusual circumstances. Whenever
the Peace Corps cannot meet the time
limit for processing a request because of
unusual circumstances as defined in
§ 303.2 and the Peace Corps extends the
time limit on that basis, the Peace Corps
will, before expiration of the 20-day
period to respond, notify the requester
in writing of the unusual circumstances
involved and of the date by which the
Peace Corps estimates processing of the
request will be completed. Where the
extension exceeds 10 working days, the
Peace Corps will provide the requester
with an opportunity to modify the
request or arrange an alternative time
period for processing the original or
modified request. The Peace Corps will
make available its designated FOIA
contact or its FOIA Public Liaison for
this purpose. The Peace Corps FOIA
Public Liaison is identified on the
agency’s FOIA Open Government web
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about/open-government/foia/ and is
available at The
Peace Corps will also alert requesters to
the availability of the Office of
Government Information Services
(OGIS) to provide dispute resolution
(d) Aggregating requests. To address
unusual circumstances as defined in
§ 303.2, the Peace Corps may aggregate
requests in cases where it reasonably
appears that multiple requests,
submitted either by a requester or by a
group of requesters acting in concert,
constitute a single request that would
otherwise involve unusual
circumstances. The Peace Corps will not
aggregate multiple requests that involve
unrelated matters.
(e) Expedited processing. (1) The
Peace Corps will process requests and
appeals on an expedited basis whenever
it is determined that they involve a
compelling need as defined in § 303.2.
(2) A request for expedited processing
of a request for information may be
made at any time and submitted to the
Peace Corps FOIA Officer or to the OIG
FOIA Officer in the case of a request
concerning OIG records. When making
a request for expedited processing of an
administrative appeal, the request
should be submitted to the Associate
Director for the Office of Management,
or in the case of an appeal concerning
OIG records, the Inspector General.
(3) A requester who seeks expedited
processing will submit a statement,
certified to be true and correct,
explaining in detail the basis for making
the request for expedited processing.
For example, in § 303.2, paragraph (2) of
the definition for compelling need, a
requester who is not a full-time member
of the news media must establish that
the requester is a person whose primary
activity or occupation is information
dissemination, though it need not be the
requester’s sole occupation. Such a
requester also must establish a
particular urgency to inform the public
about the government activity involved
in the request—one that extends beyond
the public’s right to know about
government activity generally. The
existence of numerous articles
published on a given subject may be
helpful in establishing the requirement
that there be an ‘‘urgency to inform’’ the
public on the topic. As a matter of
administrative discretion, the Peace
Corps may waive the formal
certification requirement.
(4) The Peace Corps will notify the
requester within 10 calendar days of the
receipt of a request for expedited
processing of its decision whether to
grant or deny expedited processing. If
expedited processing is granted, the
request will be given priority, placed in
the processing track for expedited
requests, and processed as soon as
practicable. If a request for expedited
processing is denied, the Peace Corps
will act on any appeal of that decision
9. Amend § 303.9 by revising
paragraphs (a) introductory text, (a)(5),
and paragraph (b) introductory text to
read as follows:
§ 303.9 Exemptions for withholding
(a) The Peace Corps may withhold
information in part or in its entirety
using FOIA exemptions listed in 5
U.S.C. 552 (b), when the Initial Denial
Authority (IDA) reasonably foresees that
the disclosure of such information
would cause harm to an interest
protected by the exemption or
exemptions, or if disclosure is
prohibited by law. The Peace Corps will
take reasonable steps necessary to
segregate and release nonexempt
information. The Peace Corps may
withhold a requested record from public
disclosure only if the record fits within
one or more of the following FOIA
* * * * *
(5) Inter-agency or intra-agency
memoranda or letters which would not
be available by law to a party other than
an agency in litigation with the Peace
Corps, except that the deliberative
process privilege shall not apply to
records created 25 years or more before
the date on which the records were
* * * * *
(b) The IDA may also withhold
information applicable under the
Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a(j) and
(k) when the records are managed
within a system of records; see 22 CFR
part 308.
* * * * *
10. Amend § 303.10 by redesignating
paragraph (c) as paragraph (d) and
adding a new paragraph (c) to read as
§ 303.10 Responsibilities and authorities.
* * * * *
(c) Authority to grant or deny appeals.
The Associate Director for the Office of
Management is authorized to grant or
deny appeals under § 303.13(a) through
(c) except in the case of appeals from
denials of requests for OIG records. The
Inspector General is authorized to grant
or deny appeals under § 303.13(a)
through (c) from denials of requests for
OIG records. Both the Associate Director
for the Office of Management and the
Inspector General shall follow this part
in processing appeals.
* * * * *
§§ 303.13 and 303.14 [Redesignated as
§§ 303.16 and 303.17]
11. Redesignate §§ 303.13 and 303.14
as §§ 303.16 and 303.17, respectively.
§§ 303.11 and 303.12 [Redesignated as
§§ 303.13 and 303.14]
12. Redesignate §§ 303.11 and 303.12
as §§ 303.13 and 303.14, respectively
13. Add § 303.11 to read as follows:
§ 303.11 Responses to requests.
(a) In general. The Peace Corps, to the
extent practicable, will communicate
with requesters having access to the
internet electronically, such as email or
web portal.
(b) Acknowledgments of requests. The
Peace Corps will acknowledge the
request in writing and assign it an
individualized tracking number if it will
take longer than 10 working days to
process. The Peace Corps will include
in the acknowledgment a brief
description of the records sought to
allow requesters to more easily keep
track of their requests.
(c) Estimated dates of completion and
interim responses. Upon request, the
Peace Corps will provide an estimated
date by which the Peace Corps expects
to provide a response to the requester.
If a request involves a voluminous
amount of material, or searches in
multiple locations, the Peace Corps may
provide interim responses, releasing the
records on a rolling basis.
(d) Grants of requests. Once the Peace
Corps determines it will grant a request
in full or in part, it will notify the
requester in writing. The Peace Corps
will also inform the requester of any
fees charged under § 303.16 and will
disclose the requested records to the
requester promptly upon payment of
any applicable fees. The Peace Corps
will inform the requester of the
availability of its FOIA Public Liaison to
offer assistance.
(e) Adverse determinations of
requests. If the Peace Corps makes an
adverse determination denying a request
in any respect, it will notify the
requester of that determination in
writing. Adverse determinations, or
denials of requests, include decisions
that: the requested record is exempt, in
whole or in part; the request does not
reasonably describe the records sought;
the information requested is not a
record subject to the FOIA; the
requested record does not exist, cannot
be located, or has been destroyed; or the
requested record is not readily
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reproducible in the form or format
sought by the requester. Adverse
determinations also include denials
involving fees or fee waiver matters or
denials of requests for expedited
(f) Markings on released documents.
The Peace Corps will release any
reasonably segregable portion of a
record after redaction of the exempt
portions. The amount of information
redacted and the exemption under
which the redaction is made shall be
indicated on the released portion of the
record unless doing so would harm an
interest protected by an applicable
exemption. The location of the
information redacted will also be
indicated on the record, if technically
(g) Use of record exclusions. (1) In the
event that the Peace Corps identifies
records that may be subject to exclusion
from the requirements of the FOIA
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(c), the Peace
Corps will confer with Department of
Justice, Office of Information Policy
(OIP), prior to application of the
(2) The Peace Corps, when invoking
an exclusion, should document its
consultation with OIP.
14. Revise newly redesignated
§ 303.12 to read as follows:
§ 303.12 Denials.
(a) A denial of a written request for a
record or information that complies
with the requirements of § 303.7 shall be
in writing and shall include, as
(1) The name and title or position of
the responsible IDA;
(2) The signature of the agency’s FOIA
Officer, or in the case of denials of
requests concerning OIG records, the
signature of the Inspector General or
(3) A brief statement of the reasons for
the denial, including any FOIA
exemption applied in denying the
(4) An estimate of the volume of any
records or information withheld, such
as the number of pages or some other
reasonable form of estimation, although
such an estimate is not required if the
volume is otherwise indicated by
redactions marked on records that are
disclosed in part or if providing an
estimate would harm an interest
protected by an applicable exemption;
(5) For any information denied under
Exemption 3, the specific statute relied
upon to deny the information along
with a short description of the statute;
(6) A statement that the requester
must appeal no later than 90 days after
the date of the denial and along with
instructions on how to appeal to the
appellate authority. The instructions
will include the appellate authority’s
duty title, the mailing address for the
appeal, and instructions on how the
requester can appeal electronically; as
defined under § 303.13; and
(7) A statement notifying the requester
of the assistance available from the
Peace Corps’ FOIA Public Liaison and
the dispute resolution services offered
by OGIS.
(b) [Reserved]
15. Revise newly redesignated
§ 303.13 to read as follows:
§ 303.13 Appeals.
(a) Requirements for making an
appeal. A requester may appeal any
adverse determinations to the Associate
Director of the Office of Management or,
in the case of a denial of a request for
OIG records, the Inspector General.
Examples of adverse determinations are
provided in § 303.11(e). Requesters can
submit appeals by mail or online in
accordance with the following
requirements or with those on the Peace
Corps’ website. The requester must
make the appeal in writing and to be
considered timely it must be
postmarked, or in the case of electronic
submissions, transmitted, within 90
calendar days after the date of the
response. The appeal should clearly
identify the Peace Corps’ determination
that is being appealed and the assigned
request number. To facilitate handling,
the requester should mark both the
appeal letter and envelope, or subject
line of the electronic transmission,
‘‘Freedom of Information Act Appeal.’’
(b) Adjudication of appeals. (1) The
Associate Director of the Office of
Management or designee, or in the case
of a denial of a request for OIG records,
the Inspector General or designee, will
consider all appeals under this section.
(2) An appeal ordinarily will not be
adjudicated if the request becomes a
matter of FOIA litigation.
(3) On receipt of any appeal involving
classified information, the Associate
Director of the Office of Management, or
in the case of a denial of a request for
OIG records, the Inspector General, will
take appropriate action to ensure
compliance with applicable
classification rules.
(c) Decisions on appeals. The
Associate Director of the Office of
Management or designee, or in the case
of a denial of a request for OIG records,
the Inspector General or designee, will
provide the decision on an appeal in
writing. A decision that upholds a
determination in whole or in part will
contain a statement that identifies the
reasons for the affirmance, including
any FOIA exemptions applied. The
decision will provide the requester with
notification of the statutory right to file
a lawsuit and will inform the requester
of the dispute resolution services
offered by the OGIS of the National
Archives and Records Administration as
a non-exclusive alternative to litigation.
If a decision is remanded or modified on
appeal, the Associate Director of the
Office of Management or designee, or in
the case of a denial of a request for OIG
records, the Inspector General or
designee, will notify the requester of
that determination in writing. The
Associate Director of the Office of
Management or designee, or in the case
of a denial of a request for OIG records,
the Inspector General or designee, will
then further process the request in
accordance with that appeal
determination and will respond directly
to the requester.
(d) Engaging in dispute resolution
services provided by OGIS. Dispute
resolution is a voluntary process. If the
Peace Corps agrees to participate in the
dispute resolution services provided by
OGIS, it will actively engage as a partner
to the process in an attempt to resolve
the dispute.
(e) When an appeal is required. Before
seeking review by a court of a Peace
Corps’ adverse determination, a
requester generally will first submit a
timely administrative appeal.
16. Add § 303.14 to read as follows:
§ 303.14 Confidential commercial
(a) Designation of confidential
commercial information. A submitter of
confidential commercial information as
defined in § 303.2 will use good faith
efforts to designate by appropriate
markings, at the time of submission, any
portion of its submission that it
considers to be protected from
disclosure under Exemption 4. These
designations expire 10 years after the
date of the submission unless the
submitter requests and provides
justification for a longer designation
(b) When notice to submitters is
required. (1) The Peace Corps will
promptly provide written notice to the
submitter of confidential commercial
information whenever records
containing such information are
requested under the FOIA if the Peace
Corps determines that it may be
required to disclose the records,
(i) The requested information has
been designated in good faith by the
submitter as information considered
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protected from disclosure under
Exemption 4; or
(ii) The Peace Corps has a reason to
believe that the requested information
may be protected from disclosure under
Exemption 4, but it has not yet
determined whether the information is
protected from disclosure.
(2) The notice will either describe the
commercial information requested or
include a copy of the requested records
or portions of records containing the
information. In cases involving a
voluminous number of submitters, the
Peace Corps may post or publish a
notice in a place or manner reasonably
likely to inform the submitters of the
proposed disclosure, instead of sending
individual notifications.
(c) Exceptions to submitter notice
requirements. The notice requirements
of this section do not apply if:
(1) The Peace Corps determines that
the information is exempt under the
FOIA, and therefore will not be
(2) The information has been lawfully
published or has been officially made
available to the public;
(3) Disclosure of the information is
required by a statute other than the
FOIA or by a regulation issued in
accordance with the requirements of
Executive Order 12600 of June 23, 1987;
(4) The designation made by the
submitter under paragraph (b) of this
section appears obviously frivolous. In
such case, the Peace Corps will give the
submitter written notice of any final
decision to disclose the information
within a reasonable number of days
prior to a specified disclosure date.
(d) Opportunity to object to
disclosure. (1) The Peace Corps will
specify a reasonable time period within
which the submitter may respond to the
notice referenced in paragraph (b) of
this section.
(2) If a submitter has any objections to
disclosure, it should provide the Peace
Corps a detailed written statement that
specifies all grounds for withholding the
particular information under any
exemption of the FOIA. In order to rely
on Exemption 4 as basis for
nondisclosure, the submitter will
explain why the information constitutes
a trade secret or commercial or financial
information that is commercially
(3) A submitter who fails to respond
within the time period specified in the
notice will be considered to have no
objection to disclosure of the
information. The Peace Corps is not
required to consider any information
received after the date of any disclosure
decision. Any information provided by
a submitter under this part may itself be
subject to disclosure under the FOIA.
(e) Analysis of objections. The Peace
Corps will consider a submitter’s
objections and specific grounds for
nondisclosure in deciding whether to
disclose the requested information.
(f) Notice of intent to disclose.
Whenever the Peace Corps decides to
disclose information over the objection
of a submitter, the Peace Corps will
provide the submitter written notice,
which will include:
(1) A statement of the reasons why
each of the submitter’s disclosure
objections was not sustained;
(2) A description of the information to
be disclosed or copies of the records as
the Peace Corps intends to release them;
(3) A specified disclosure date, which
will be a reasonable time after the
(g) Notice of FOIA lawsuit. Whenever
a requester files a lawsuit seeking to
compel the disclosure of confidential
commercial information, the Peace
Corps will promptly notify the
(h) Requester notification. The Peace
Corps will notify the requester
whenever it provides the submitter with
notice and an opportunity to object to
disclosure; whenever it notifies the
submitter of its intent to disclose the
requested information; and whenever a
submitter files a lawsuit to prevent the
disclosure of the information.
17. Add § 303.15 to read as follows:
§ 303.15 Preservation of records.
The Peace Corps will preserve all
correspondence pertaining to the
requests that it receives under this
subpart, as well as copies of all
requested records, until disposition or
destruction is authorized pursuant to
title 44 of the United States Code or the
General Records Schedule 4.2 of the
National Archives and Records
Administration. The Peace Corps will
not dispose of or destroy records while
they are the subject of a pending
request, appeal, or lawsuit under the
18. Revise newly redesignated
§ 303.16 to read as follows:
§ 303.16 Fees.
(a) In general. The Peace Corps will
charge for processing requests under the
FOIA in accordance with the provisions
of this section and with the Guidelines
of OMB. For purposes of assessing fees,
the FOIA establishes three categories of
(1) Commercial use requesters;
(2) Non-commercial scientific or
educational institutions or news media
requesters; and
(3) All other requesters.
(b) Fee assessment. Different fees are
assessed depending on the requester
category and approved by the FOIA
Officer. Requesters may seek a fee
waiver. The Peace Corps will consider
individual requests for fee waivers in
accordance with the requirements in
paragraph (l) of this section. To resolve
any fee issues that arise under this
section, Peace Corps may contact a
requester for additional information.
The Peace Corps will ensure that
searches, reviews, and duplications are
conducted in the most efficient and the
least expensive manner. The Peace
Corps ordinarily will collect all
applicable fees before sending copies of
records to a requester. Requesters will
pay fees by check or money order made
payable to the Treasury of the United
States, or by another method as
determined by the Peace Corps.
(c) Fee charging considerations. (1)
Whether the request is a commercial use
request as defined in § 303.2. The Peace
Corps’ decision to place a requester in
the commercial use category will be
made on a case-by-case basis based on
the requester’s intended use of the
information. The Peace Corps will
notify requesters of their placement in
this category.
(2) The sum of direct costs as defined
in § 303.2.
(3) The cost of duplication as defined
in § 303.2.
(4) Whether the requester is an
educational institution as defined in
§ 303.2. A requester in this fee category
will show that the request is made in
connection with his or her role at the
educational institution. The Peace Corps
may seek verification from the requester
that the request is in furtherance of
scholarly research, and the Peace Corps
will advise requesters of their placement
in this category.
Example 1 to paragraph (c)(4). A
request from a professor of geology at a
university for records relating to soil
erosion, written on letterhead of the
Department of Geology, would be
presumed to be from an educational
Example 2 to paragraph (c)(4). A
request from the same professor of
geology seeking drug information from
the Food and Drug Administration in
furtherance of a murder mystery he is
writing would not be presumed to be an
institutional request, regardless of
whether it was written on institutional
Example 3 to paragraph (c)(4). A
student who makes a request in
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furtherance of their coursework or other
school-sponsored activities and
provides a copy of a course syllabus or
other reasonable documentation to
indicate the research purpose for the
request, would qualify as part of this fee
(5) Whether the requester is a
noncommercial scientific institution as
defined in § 303.2. A requester in this
category will show that the request is
authorized by and is made under the
auspices of a qualifying institution and
that the records are sought to further
scientific research and are not for a
commercial use. The Peace Corps will
advise requesters of their placement in
this category.
(6) Whether the requester is a
representative of the news media as
defined in § 303.2. Examples of news
media entities include television or
radio stations that broadcast ‘‘news’’ to
the public at large and publishers of
periodicals that disseminate ‘‘news’’
and make their products available
through a variety of means to the
general public, including news
organizations that disseminate solely on
the internet. A request for records
supporting the news-dissemination
function of the requester will not be
considered to be for a commercial use.
‘‘Freelance’’ journalists who
demonstrate a solid basis for expecting
publication through a news media entity
will be considered as a representative of
the news media. A publishing contract
would provide the clearest evidence
that publication is expected; however,
the Peace Corps may also consider a
requester’s past publication record in
making this determination. The Peace
Corps will advise requesters of their
placement in this category.
(7) The cost of the review as defined
in § 303.2. Review time includes
processing any record for disclosure,
such as doing all that is necessary to
prepare the record for disclosure,
including the process of redacting the
record and marking the appropriate
exemptions. Review costs are properly
charged even if a record ultimately is
not disclosed. Review time also
includes time spent both obtaining and
considering any formal objection to
disclosure made by a confidential
commercial information submitter
under § 303.14, but it does not include
time spent resolving general legal or
policy issues regarding the application
of exemptions.
(8) The cost of the time involved in
the search as defined in § 303.2. Search
time includes page-by-page or line-by-
line identification of information within
records and the reasonable efforts
expended to locate and retrieve
information from electronic records.
(d) Charging fees. In responding to
FOIA requests, the Peace Corps will
charge the following fees unless a
waiver or reduction of fees has been
granted under paragraph (l) of this
section. Because the fee amounts
provided under paragraph (m) of this
section already account for the direct
costs associated with a given fee type,
the Peace Corps will not add any
additional costs to charges calculated
under this section.
(1) Search. (i) Requests made by
educational institutions, noncommercial
scientific institutions, or representatives
of the news media are not subject to
search fees. The Peace Corps will charge
search fees for all other requesters,
subject to the restrictions of paragraph
(e) of this section. The Peace Corps may
properly charge for time spent searching
even if they do not locate any
responsive records or if they determine
that the records are entirely exempt
from disclosure.
(ii) For each quarter hour spent by
personnel searching for requested
records, including electronic searches
that do not require new programming,
the fees will be charged.
(iii) The Peace Corps will charge the
direct costs associated with conducting
any search that requires the creation of
a new computer program to locate the
requested records. The Peace Corps will
notify the requester of the costs
associated with creating such a program,
and the requester will agree to pay the
associated costs before the costs may be
(iv) For requests that require the
retrieval of records stored by the Peace
Corps at a Federal records center
operated by the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA),
agencies will charge additional costs in
accordance with the Transactional
Billing Rate Schedule established by
(2) Duplication. The Peace Corps will
charge duplication fees to all requesters,
subject to the restrictions of paragraph
(e) of this section. The Peace Corps will
honor a requester’s preference for
receiving a record in a particular form
or format where the Peace Corps can
readily reproduce it in the form or
format requested. Where photocopies
are supplied, the Peace Corps will
provide one copy per request at no
charge up to 100 pages. For copies of
records produced on tapes, disks, or
other media, the Peace Corps will
charge the direct costs of producing the
copy, including operator time. Where
paper documents will be scanned in
order to comply with a requester’s
preference to receive the records in an
electronic format, the requester will also
pay the direct costs associated with
scanning those materials. For other
forms of duplication, the Peace Corps
will charge the direct costs.
(3) Review. The Peace Corps will
charge review fees to requesters who
make commercial use requests. Review
fees will be assessed in connection with
the initial review of the record, i.e., the
review conducted by the Peace Corps to
determine whether an exemption
applies to a particular record or portion
of a record. No charge will be made for
review at the administrative appeal
stage of exemptions applied at the
initial review stage. However, if a
particular exemption is deemed to no
longer apply, any costs associated with
the Peace Corps’ re-review of the
records in order to consider the use of
other exemptions may be assessed as
review fees. Review fees will be charged
at the same rates as those charged for a
search under paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this
(e) Restrictions on charging fees. (1)
When the Peace Corps determines that
a requester is an educational institution,
non-commercial scientific institution, or
representative of the news media, and
the records are not sought for
commercial use, it will not charge
search fees.
(2)(i) If the Peace Corps fails to
comply with the FOIA’s time limits in
which to respond to a request, it may
not charge search fees, or, in the
instances of requests from requesters
described in paragraph (e)(1) of this
section, may not charge duplication
fees, except as described in (e)(2)(ii)
through (iv) of this section.
(ii) If the Peace Corps has determined
that unusual circumstances as defined
in § 303.2 apply and the Peace Corps
provided timely written notice to the
requester in accordance with the FOIA,
a failure to comply with the time limit
shall be excused for an additional 10
(iii) If the Peace Corps has determined
that unusual circumstances as defined
in § 303.2 apply and more than 5,000
pages are necessary to respond to the
request, the Peace Corps may charge
search fees, or, in the case of requesters
described in paragraph (e)(1) of this
section, may charge duplication fees, if
the following steps are taken: the Peace
Corps will have provided timely written
notice of unusual circumstances to the
requester in accordance with the FOIA;
and the Peace Corps will have discussed
with the requester via written mail,
email, or telephone (or made not less
than three good faith attempts to do so)
how the requester could effectively limit
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the scope of the request in accordance
with 5. U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(B)(ii). If this
exception is satisfied, the Peace Corps
may charge all applicable fees incurred
in the processing of the request.
(iv) If a court has determined that
exceptional circumstances exist, as
defined by the FOIA, a failure to comply
with the time limits shall be excused for
the length of time provided by the court
(3) No search or review fees will be
charged for a quarter-hour period unless
more than half of that period is required
for search or review.
(4) Except for requesters seeking
records for a commercial use, the Peace
Corps will provide without charge:
(i) The first 100 pages of duplication
(or the cost equivalent for other media);
(ii) The first 2 hours of search.
(5) No fee will be charged when the
total fee, after deducting the 100 free
pages (or its cost equivalent) and the
first 2 hours of search, is equal to or less
than $25.
(f) Notice of anticipated fees in excess
of $25.00. (1) When the Peace Corps
determines or estimates that the fees to
be assessed in accordance with this
section will exceed $25.00, the Peace
Corps will notify the requester of the
actual or estimated amount of the fees,
including a breakdown of the fees for
search, review, or duplication, unless
the requester has indicated a
willingness to pay fees as high as those
anticipated. If only a portion of the fee
can be estimated readily, the Peace
Corps will advise the requester
accordingly. If the request is not for
noncommercial use, the notice will
specify that the requester is entitled to
the statutory entitlements of 100 pages
of duplication at no charge and, if the
requester is charged search fees, 2 hours
of search time at no charge, and will
advise the requester whether those
entitlements have been provided.
(2) If the Peace Corps notifies the
requester that the actual or estimated
fees are in excess of $25.00, the request
will not be considered received and
further work will not be completed until
the requester commits in writing to pay
the actual or estimated total fee, or
designates some amount of fees the
requester is willing to pay, or in the case
of a noncommercial use requester who
has not yet been provided with the
requester’s statutory entitlements,
designates that the requester seeks only
that which can be provided by the
statutory entitlements. The requester
will provide the commitment or
designation in writing, and will, when
applicable, designate an exact dollar
amount the requester is willing to pay.
The Peace Corps will not accept
payments in installments.
(3) If the requester has indicated a
willingness to pay some designated
amount of fees, but the Peace Corps
estimates that the total fee will exceed
that amount, the Peace Corps will toll
the processing of the request when it
notifies the requester of the estimated
fees in excess of the amount the
requester has indicated a willingness to
pay. The Peace Corps will inquire
whether the requester wishes to revise
the amount of fees the requester is
willing to pay or modify the request.
Once the requester responds, the time to
respond will resume from where it was
at the date of the notification.
(4) The Peace Corps will make
available their FOIA Public Liaison or
other FOIA professional to assist any
requester in reformulating a request to
meet the requester’s needs at a lower
(g) Charges for other services.
Although not required to provide
special services, if the Peace Corps
chooses to do so as a matter of
administrative discretion, the direct
costs of providing the service will be
charged. Examples of such services
include certifying that records are true
copies, providing multiple copies of the
same document, or sending records by
means other than first class mail.
(h) Charging interest. The Peace Corps
may charge interest on any unpaid bill
starting on the 31st day following the
date of billing the requester. Interest
charges will be assessed at the rate
provided in 31 U.S.C. 3717 and will
accrue from the billing date until
payment is received by the Peace Corps.
The Peace Corps will follow the
provisions of the Debt Collection Act of
1982 (Pub. L. 97–365, 96 Stat. 1749), as
amended, and its administrative
procedures, including the use of
consumer reporting agencies, collection
agencies, and offset.
(i) Aggregating requests. When the
Peace Corps reasonably believes that a
requester or a group of requesters acting
in concert is attempting to divide a
single request into a series of requests
for the purpose of avoiding fees, the
Peace Corps may aggregate those
requests and charge accordingly. The
Peace Corps may presume that multiple
requests of this type made within a 30-
day period have been made in order to
avoid fees. For requests separated by a
longer period, the Peace Corps will
aggregate them only where there is a
reasonable basis for determining that
aggregation is warranted in view of all
the circumstances involved. Multiple
requests involving unrelated matters
cannot be aggregated.
(j) Advance payments. (1) For requests
other than those described in paragraph
(j)(2) or (j)(3) of this section, the Peace
Corps may not require the requester to
make an advance payment before work
is commenced or continued on a
request. Payment owed for work already
completed (i.e., payment before copies
are sent to a requester) is not an advance
(2) When the Peace Corps determines
or estimates that a total fee to be charged
under this section will exceed $250.00,
it may require that the requester make
an advance payment up to the amount
of the entire anticipated fee before
beginning to process the request. The
Peace Corps may elect to process the
request prior to collecting fees when it
receives a satisfactory assurance of full
payment from a requester with a history
of prompt payment.
(3) Where a requester has previously
failed to pay a properly charged FOIA
fee to the Peace Corps within 30
calendar days of the billing date, the
Peace Corps may require that the
requester pay the full amount due, plus
any applicable interest on that prior
request, and the Peace Corps may
require that the requester make an
advance payment of the full amount of
any anticipated fee before the Peace
Corps begins to process a new request
or continues to process a pending
request or any pending appeal. Where
the Peace Corps has a reasonable basis
to believe that a requester has
misrepresented the requester’s identity
in order to avoid paying outstanding
fees, it may require that the requester
provide proof of identity.
(4) In cases in which the Peace Corps
requires advance payment, the request
will not be considered received and
further work will not be completed until
the required payment is received. If the
requester does not pay the advance
payment within 30 calendar days after
the date of the Peace Corps’ fee
determination, the request will be
(k) Other statutes specifically
providing for fees. The fee schedule of
this section does not apply to fees
charged under any statute that
specifically requires the Peace Corps to
set and collect fees for particular types
of records. In instances where records
responsive to a request are subject to a
statutorily-based fee schedule program,
the Peace Corps will inform the
requester of the contact information for
that program.
(l) Requirements for waiver or
reduction of fees. (1) Requesters may
seek a waiver of fees by submitting a
written application demonstrating how
disclosure of the requested information
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is in the public interest because it is
likely to contribute significantly to
public understanding of the operations
or activities of the government and is
not primarily in the commercial interest
of the requester.
(2) The Peace Corps will furnish
records responsive to a request without
charge or at a reduced rate when it
determines, based on all available
information, that the factors described
in paragraphs (l)(2)(i) through (iii) of
this section are satisfied:
(i) Disclosure of the requested
information would shed light on the
operations or activities of the
government. The subject of the request
will concern identifiable operations or
activities of the Federal Government
with a connection that is direct and
clear, not remote or attenuated; and
(ii) Disclosure of the requested
information is likely to contribute
significantly to public understanding of
those operations or activities. This
factor is satisfied when the following
criteria are met:
(A) Disclosure of the requested
records will be meaningfully
informative about government
operations or activities. The disclosure
of information that already is in the
public domain, in either the same or a
substantially identical form, would not
be meaningfully informative if nothing
new would be added to the public’s
understanding; and
(B) The disclosure will contribute to
the understanding of a reasonably broad
audience of persons interested in the
subject, as opposed to the individual
understanding of the requester. A
requester’s expertise in the subject area
as well as the requester’s ability and
intention to effectively convey
information to the public will be
considered. The Peace Corps will
presume that a representative of the
news media will satisfy this
(iii) The disclosure will not be
primarily in the commercial interest of
the requester. To determine whether
disclosure of the requested information
is primarily in the commercial interest
of the requester, the Peace Corps will
consider the following criteria:
(A) The Peace Corps will identify
whether the requester has any
commercial interest that would be
furthered by the requested disclosure. A
commercial interest includes any
commercial, trade, or profit interest.
Requesters will be given an opportunity
to provide explanatory information
regarding this consideration; and
(B) If there is an identified
commercial interest, the Peace Corps
will determine whether that is the
primary interest furthered by the
request. A waiver or reduction of fees is
justified when the requirements of
paragraphs (l)(2)(i) and (ii) of this
section are satisfied and any commercial
interest is not the primary interest
furthered by the request. The Peace
Corps ordinarily will presume that
when a news media requester has
satisfied factors of paragraphs (l)(2)(i)
and (ii), the request is not primarily in
the commercial interest of the requester.
Disclosure to data brokers or others who
merely compile and market government
information for direct economic return
will not be presumed to primarily serve
the public interest.
(3) Where only some of the records to
be released satisfy the requirements for
a waiver of fees, a waiver will be
granted for those records.
(4) Requests for a waiver or reduction
of fees should be made when the request
is first submitted to the Peace Corps and
should address the criteria referenced
under paragraph (1) of this section. A
requester may submit a fee waiver
request at a later time so long as the
underlying record request is pending or
on administrative appeal. When a
requester who has committed to pay
fees subsequently asks for a waiver of
those fees and that waiver is denied, the
requester will pay any costs incurred up
to the date the fee waiver request was
(5) These fee waiver/reduction
provisions are subject to appeal in the
same manner as appeals from denial
under § 303.13.
(m) Minimal amount. No fee will be
charged under this section unless the
cost of routine collection and processing
of the fee payment is likely to exceed
the average cost of processing a
(n) Agreement to pay fees. Requesters
must agree to pay all fees charged for
services associated with their requests.
(o) Charging interest. Interest may be
charged to those requesters who fail to
pay the fees charged. Interest will be
assessed on the amount billed, starting
on the 31st day following the day on
which the billing was sent. The rate
charged will be as prescribed in 31
U.S.C. 3717.
(p) Nonpayment of fees. The Peace
Corps is not required to process a
request for a requester who has not paid
FOIA fees owed to another Federal
(q) Multiple copies. The Peace Corps
reserves the right to charge for multiple
copies of any document that will be
provided to any one requester or to
require that special arrangements for
duplication be made in the case of
bound volumes or other records
representing unusual problems of
handling or reproduction.
19. Amend newly redesignated
§ 303.17 by revising paragraphs (a)(1)
through (6) and (b)(1) through (3) to read
as follows:
§ 303.17 Procedures for responding to a
(a) * * *
(1) This section sets forth the
procedures to be followed in
proceedings in which the Peace Corps is
not a party, whenever a subpoena,
order, or other demand (collectively
referred to as a ‘‘demand’’) of a court or
other authority is issued for:
(i) The production or disclosure of
any material contained in the files of the
Peace Corps;
(ii) The production or disclosure of
any information relating to material
contained in the files of the Peace
(iii) The production or disclosure of
any information or material acquired by
any person while such person was an
employee of the Peace Corps as a part
of the performance of their official
duties or because of their official status,
(iv) The production of an employee of
the Peace Corps for the deposition or an
appearance as a witness in a legal action
or proceeding.
(2) For purposes of this section, the
term ‘‘employee of the Peace Corps’’
includes all officers, employees,
volunteers, and trainees of the Peace
Corps appointed by, or subject to the
supervision, jurisdiction or, control of,
the Director of the Peace Corps,
including personal services contractors.
Also, for purposes of this section,
records of the Peace Corps do not
include records of the Office of
Inspector General.
(3) This section is intended to provide
instructions regarding the internal
operations of the Peace Corps, and is not
intended, and does not and may not be
relied upon, to create any right or
benefit, substantive or procedural,
enforceable at law by a party against the
Peace Corps.
(4) This section applies to:
(i) State and local court,
administrative and legislative
proceedings; and
(ii) Federal court and administrative
(5) This section does not apply to:
(i) Congressional requests or
subpoenas for testimony or documents;
(ii) Employees or former employees
making appearances solely in their
private capacity in legal or
administrative proceedings that do not
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relate to the Peace Corps (such as cases
arising out of traffic accidents or
domestic relations). Any questions
regarding whether the appearance
relates solely to the employee’s or
former employee’s private capacity
should be referred to the Office of the
General Counsel.
(6) Nothing in this section otherwise
permits disclosure of information by the
Peace Corps except as is provided by
statute or other applicable law.
(b) * * *
(1) No employee or former employee
of the Peace Corps shall, in response to
a demand of a court or other authority
set forth in paragraph (a) of this section
produce any material, disclose any
information, or appear in any
proceeding, described in paragraph (a)
of this section without the approval of
the General Counsel or designee.
(2) Whenever an employee or former
employee of the Peace Corps receives a
demand for the production of material
or the disclosure of information
described in paragraph (a) of this
section they shall immediately notify
and provide a copy of the demand to the
General Counsel or designee. The
General Counsel, or designee, shall be
furnished by the party causing the
demand to be issued or served a written
summary of the information sought, its
relevance to the proceeding in
connection with which it was served,
and why the information sought is
unavailable by any other means or from
any other sources.
(3) The General Counsel, or designee,
in consultation with appropriate Peace
Corps officials, including the Peace
Corps’ FOIA Officer, or designee, and in
light of the considerations listed in
paragraph (d) of this section, will
determine whether the person on whom
the demand was served should respond
to the demand.
* * * * *
20. Add § 303.18 to read as follows:
§ 303.18 Other rights and services.
Nothing in this part shall be
construed to entitle any person, as of
right, to any service or to the disclosure
of any record to which such person is
not entitled under the FOIA.
Dated: March 27, 2024.
James Olin,
FOIA and Privacy Officer.
[FR Doc. 2024–06800 Filed 4–10–24; 8:45 am]
Coast Guard
33 CFR Part 100
[Docket No. USCG–2024–0221]
Special Local Regulations; Marine
Events Within the Captain of the Port
: Coast Guard, DHS.
: Notification of enforcement of
: The Coast Guard will enforce
special local regulations for the
Charleston Race Week in Charleston,
SC, to provide for the safety of life on
navigable waterways during this event.
Our regulation for marine events within
the Captain of the Port Charleston
identifies the regulated area for this
event in Charleston, SC. During the
enforcement period, no person or vessel
may enter, transit through, anchor in, or
remain within the designated area
unless authorized by the Captain of the
Port Charleston (COTP) or a designated
: The regulations in 33 CFR
100.704 will be enforced for the
regulated area listed in Item No. 2 in
Table 1 to § 100.704 from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. on April 18, 2024, through April
21, 2024.
: If
you have questions about this
notification of enforcement, call or
email Chief Marine Science Technician
Tyler M. Campbell, Sector Charleston,
Waterways Management Division, U.S.
Coast Guard; telephone (843) 740–3184,
: The Coast
Guard will enforce special local
regulations in 33 CFR 100.704 for the
Annual Charleston Race Week event
regulated area identified in Table 1 to
§ 100.704, Item No. 2 from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. on April 18, 2024, through April
21, 2024. This action is being taken to
provide for the safety of life on
navigable waterways during this 4-day
event. Our regulation for marine events
within the Seventh Coast Guard District,
§ 100.704, specifies the location of the
regulated area for the Charleston Race
Week which encompasses portions of
Charleston Harbor. During the
enforcement periods, as reflected in
§ 100.704(c), all persons and vessels are
prohibited from entering the regulated
area, except those persons and vessels
participating in the event, unless they
receive permission to do so from the
Coast Guard Patrol Commander, or
designated representative. During the
enforcement periods, as reflected in
§ 100.704(c), spectator vessels may
safely transit outside the regulated area,
but may not anchor, block, loiter in,
impede the transit of participants or
official patrol vessels or enter the
regulated area without approval from
the Coast Guard Patrol Commander or a
designated representative.
The Coast Guard may be assisted by
other Federal, State, or local law
enforcement agencies in enforcing this
regulation. In addition to this notice of
enforcement in the Federal Register, the
Coast Guard will provide notice of the
regulated area via Local Notice to
Mariners, Marine Safety Information
Bulletins, Broadcast Notice to Mariners,
and on-scene designated
Dated: April 5, 2024.
F.J. DelRosso,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the
Port Charleston.
[FR Doc. 2024–07628 Filed 4–10–24; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 180
[EPA–HQ–OPP–2021–0321; FRL–11813–01–
Silane, Hexadecyltrimethoxy-,
Hydrolysis Products With Silica in
Pesticide Formulations; Pesticide
Tolerance Exemption
: Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
: Final rule.
: This regulation establishes an
exemption from the requirement of a
tolerance for residues of silane,
hexadecyltrimethoxy-, hydrolysis
products with silica (CAS Reg. No.
199876–45–4) when used as an inert
ingredient (Pickering emulsion) on
growing crops and raw agricultural
commodities pre- and post-harvest at no
more than 0.6% by weight of the
pesticide formulation. Evonik
Corporation, 299 Jefferson Road,
Parsippany, NJ 07054 submitted a
petition to EPA under the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA),
requesting establishment of an
exemption from the requirement of a
tolerance. This regulation eliminates the
need to establish a maximum
permissible level for residues of silane,
hexadecyltrimethoxy-, hydrolysis
products with silica, when used in
accordance with the terms of this
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES

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