Safety Zones; Annual Fireworks Displays Within the Captain of the Port, Puget Sound Area of Responsibility-Dyes Inlet
Published date | 12 July 2024 |
Record Number | 2024-15322 |
Citation | 89 FR 57088 |
Court | Coast Guard |
Section | Rules and Regulations |
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 134 / Friday, July 12, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
waters of the San Francisco Bay, from
surface to bottom, encompassed by a
line connecting the following latitude
and longitude points, beginning at
37°48′24.3″ N, 122°27′53.5″ W; thence to
37°49′15.6″ N, 122°27′58.1″ W; thence to
37°49′28.9″ N, 122°25′52.1″ W; thence to
37°49′7.5″ N, 122°25′13″ W; thence to
37°48′49.6″ N, 122°25′28.9″ W; thence to
37°48′30.5″ N, 122°26′22.6″ W; thence
along the shore to 37°48′26.9″ N,
122°26′50.5″ W and thence to the point
of beginning.
(b) Definitions. As used in this
section: (1) Designated Representative
means a Coast Guard Patrol
Commander, including a Coast Guard
coxswain, petty officer, or other officer
on a Coast Guard vessel, or a Federal,
State, or local officer designated by or
assisting the Captain of the Port San
Francisco (COTP) in the enforcement of
the special local regulation.
(2) Zone ‘‘A’’ means the Official
Practice Box Area. This zone will
encompass all navigable waters of the
San Francisco Bay, from surface to
bottom, within the area formed by
connecting the following latitude and
longitude points in the following order:
37°49′19″ N, 122°27′19″ W; thence to
37°49′28″ N, 122°25′52″ W; thence to
37°48′40.9″ N, 122°25′43.6″ W; thence to
37°49′7.5″ N, 122°25′13″ W and thence
to the point of beginning. These
coordinates are the current projected
position for the Official Practice Box
Area and will also be announced via
Broadcast Notice to Mariners.
(3) Zone ‘‘B’’ means the Official Race
Box Area, which will be marked by 12
or more colored visual markers within
the special local regulation area
designated in paragraph (a). The
position of these markers will be
specified via Broadcast Notice to
Mariners at least three days prior to the
(4) Zone ‘‘C’’ means the Spectator
Area, which is within the special local
regulation area designated in paragraph
(a) of this section and outside of Zone
‘‘B’’, the Official Race Box Area. Zone
‘‘C’’ will be defined by latitude and
longitude points announced via
Broadcast Notice to Mariners and will
be managed by marine event sponsor
officials. Vessels shall not anchor within
the confines of Zone ‘‘C.’’
(c) Special Local Regulations. The
following regulations apply between
noon and 5:30 p.m. on the Sail Grand
Prix official practice and race days. (1)
Only support and race vessels will be
authorized by the COTP or designated
representative to enter Zone ‘‘B’’ during
the race event. Vessel operators desiring
to enter or operate within Zone ‘‘A’’ or
Zone ‘‘B’’ must contact the COTP or a
designated representative to obtain
permission to do so. Persons and vessels
may request permission to transit Zone
‘‘A’’ on VHF–23A.
(2) Spectator vessels in Zone ‘‘C’’
must maneuver as directed by the COTP
or a designated representative. When
hailed or signaled by the COTP or
designated representative by a
succession of sharp, short signals by
whistle or horn, the hailed vessel must
come to an immediate stop and comply
with the lawful direction issued. Failure
to comply with a lawful direction may
result in additional operating
restrictions, citation for failure to
comply, or both.
(3) Spectator vessels in Zone ‘‘C’’
must operate at safe speeds, which will
create minimum wake.
(4) Vessels with approval from the
COTP or designated representative to
transit through the associated event
zones shall maintain headway and not
loiter or anchor within the confines of
the regulated area.
(5) Rafting and anchoring of vessels is
prohibited within the regulated area.
(d) Enforcement periods. This special
local regulation will be enforced for the
official practices and race events from
noon to 5:30 p.m. each day from July 12,
2024, through July 14, 2024. At least 24
hours in advance of the official race
practice and race events commencing on
July 12, 2024, the COTP will notify the
maritime community of periods during
which these zones will be enforced via
Broadcast Notice to Mariners and in
writing via a Coast Guard Boating Public
Safety Notice.
Dated: July 2, 2024.
Jordan M. Baldueza,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the
Port, Sector San Francisco.
[FR Doc. 2024–15236 Filed 7–11–24; 8:45 am]
Coast Guard
33 CFR Part 165
[Docket No. USCG–2024–0565]
Safety Zones; Annual Fireworks
Displays Within the Captain of the
Port, Puget Sound Area of
Responsibility—Dyes Inlet
: Coast Guard, DHS.
: Notification of enforcement of
: The Coast Guard will enforce
a safety zone near Dyes Inlet, WA for an
annual firework display in the Captain
of the Port, Sector Puget Sound area of
responsibility on July 26, 2024, to
provide for the safety of life on
navigable waterways during this event.
Our regulation for marine events within
the Thirteenth Coast Guard District
identifies the regulated area for this
event near Dyes Inlet, WA. No vessel
operator may enter, transit, moor, or
anchor within the safety zone, except
for vessels authorized by the Captain of
the Port, Sector Puget Sound or a
Designated Representative.
: The regulations in 33 CFR
165.1332 will be enforced for the for the
Whaling Days regulated area listed in
the Table to § 165.1332 from 9 until 11
p.m. on July 26, 2024.
: If
you have questions about this
notification of enforcement, call or
email LTJG Kaylee Lord at 206–217–
6045, or email Sector Puget Sound
Waterways Management at
: The Coast
Guard will enforce special local
regulations in 33 CFR 165.1332 for the
Dyes Inlet regulated area from 9 until 11
p.m. on July 26, 2024. This action is
being taken to provide for the safety of
life on navigable waterways during this
event. Our regulation for marine events
within the Thirteenth Coast Guard
District, § 165.1332, specifies the
location of the regulated area for the
Whaling Days event in Dyes Inlet, WA.
The special requirements listed in 33
CFR 165.1332(b) apply to the activation
and enforcement of the safety zone.
During the enforcement periods, as
reflected in § 165.1332(c), no vessel
operator may enter, transit, moor, or
anchor within the safety zone, except
for vessels authorized by the Captain of
the Port, Sector Puget Sound or
Designated Representative.
In addition to this notification of
enforcement in the Federal Register, the
Coast Guard plans to provide
notification of this enforcement period
via marine information broadcasts and
Local Notice to Mariners. If the Safety
Zone is canceled earlier than listed in
this regulation, notification will be
provided via Local Notice to Mariners
and marine information broadcasts.
Dated: July 5, 2024.
Mark A. McDonnell,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the
Port Sector Puget Sound.
[FR Doc. 2024–15322 Filed 7–11–24; 8:45 am]
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