Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources § NR 440.17 Incorporation By Reference of Code of Federal Regulations Provisions and Other Materials

LibraryWisconsin Administrative Code
CitationWis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources § NR 440.17

(1) APPENDICES. Appendices A, B, C, F and I of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix B of 40 CFR part 61 and Appendices A, B, D, E and F of 40 CFR part 75, as in effect on June 1, 2008, are incorporated by reference and made a part of this chapter. Copies of these Appendices are available for inspection in the offices of the department of natural resources and legislative reference bureau, Madison, Wisconsin, or may be purchased for personal use from the superintendent of documents, U.S. government printing office, Washington DC 20402.

(2) OTHER MATERIALS. The materials listed in this subsection are incorporated by reference for the corresponding sections noted. Some of the materials are also incorporated for Appendices A, B, C and F of 40 CFR part 60 as in effect on June 1, 2008. Since these Appendices are incorporated by reference in this chapter by sub. (1), materials incorporated by reference in the Appendices are hereby also incorporated by reference and made a part of this chapter. The materials are available for inspection in the offices of the department of natural resources and legislative reference bureau, Madison, Wisconsin or may be purchased for personal use at the corresponding address noted.

    (a) The materials listed in Table 1 are available for purchase from at least one of the following addresses: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, Post Office Box C700, West Conshohocken PA 19428-2959, Phone: 610.832.9585, Fax 610.832.9555, E-mail: service@astm.org, Website http://www.astm.org or IHS Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112, Phone 800.854.7179, E-mail: globalcustomerservice@ihs.com, Website http://global.ihs.com Table 1 ASTM Standard References
    Standard Number Standard Title Incorporated by Reference For
    1. ASTM A99-82 (reapproved 1987) Standard Specification for Ferromanganese NR 440.43(2) (v)
    2. ASTM A100-93 Standard Specification for Ferrosilicon NR 440.43(2) (k) and (t)
    3. ASTM A101-93 Standard Specification for Ferrochromium NR 440.43(2) (o)
    4. ASTM A482-93 Standard Specification for Ferrochromesilicon NR 440.43(2) (i)
    5. ASTM A483-74 (reapproved 1988) Standard Specification for Silicomanganese NR 440.43(2) (q)
    6. ASTM A495-94 Standard Specification for Calcium-Silicon and Calcium Manganese-Silicon NR 440.43(2) (c)
    7. ASTM D86-96 Distillation of Petroleum Products NR 440.647(4) (d)
    NR 440.66(4) (d)
    NR 440.682(4) (h)
    8. ASTM D129-00 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (General Bomb Method) 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, Method 19, section
    NR 440.26(7) (j) 2.
    NR 440.50(6) (d) 1.
    9. ASTM D240-92 Standard Test Method for Heat of Combustion of NR 440.19(7) (c) 2.
    Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter NR 440.46(7) (b) 3.
    40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, Method 19, section
    10. ASTM D270-75 [Withdrawn] Standard Method of Sampling Petroleum and Petroleum Products 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, Method 19, section
    11. ASTM D323-94 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Method) NR 440.27(2) (i)
    NR 440.28(2) (h)
    NR 440.285(2) (i) and (7) (f) 2. b
    12. ASTM D388-99 (reapproved 2004) Standard Specification for Classification of Coals by Rank NR 440.19(2) (a) and (6) (f) 4. a., b. and f.
    NR 440.20(2) (b), (n) and (y)
    NR 440.205(2) (d) and (t)
    NR 440.207(2) (b)
    NR 440.42(2) (a) and (b)
    13. ASTM D396-98 Standard Specification for Fuel Oils NR 440.205(2) (h) and (zf)
    NR 440.207(2) (g) and (v)
    NR 440.27(2) (g)
    NR 440.28(2) (f)
    14. ASTM D975-98a Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils NR 440.27(2) (g)
    NR 440.28(2) (f)
    15. ASTM D1072-9(reapproved 1994)0 Standard Method for Total Sulfur in Fuel Gases

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